İlkyaz Deniz Bilgiç

About me

Hi! My name is İlkyaz Deniz Bilgiç and I am currently a 3rd year Master's student in Developmental Psychology program at METU. I have also graduated from the department of Psychology back in 2021, also from METU. My current fields of interest are dual-earner parents' multimodal language input during childhood and early literacy skill development in children. I can describe myself as a lifelong learner and a language enthusiast. I am currently working on my thesis, and would love to welcome all prospective students!

Publications & Presentations

1. Koydemir, S., Varol, M., Fehn, T., Bilgiç, I. D., Gauglitz, I., & Schütz, A. (2022). A multilevel analysis of the relationship between leaders' experiential avoidance and followers' well-being. Current Psychology, 1-12.

2. "Çeşitli bağlamlardaki multimodel dil girdisinin ve ketleme becerisinin erken okuryazarlık becerileri gelişimine etkisi", 3rd Koç University Developmental Psychology Symposium. Koç University, İstanbul, September 2022

3. Gitmez, T. , Bilgiç, İ. D. , Demirtaş, K. C. & Çimen, E. A. (2020). Liverpool FC's Performance in Top 6 and Derby Matches - A Statistical Analysis . Avrasya Spor Bilimleri ve Eğitim Dergisi , 2 (1) , 72-86.

Last Updated:
07/12/2023 - 19:35