Xiaowei Gong
Xiaowei Gong
About me
I am a MA student majored in developmental psychology in METU. My research interests mainly consist of bilingualism and cognition. My current project is about the associations between environmental factors within bilingual homes and young bilingual children’s cognitive control ability. Outside of academic I enjoy family life, including taking care of my two precious little ones and spending time with my husband without them occasionally.
Publications & Presentations
Gong, X., Aktan-Erciyes, A., Sahin-Acar, B., Karadöller, D.Z. (2023). The Effect of Bilingual Experience and Home Language Environment on Cognitive Control of Bilingual Children. Student Conference on Linguistics 2023. Istanbul, Turkey.
Poster Presentations
Gong, X., Aktan-Erciyes, A., Sahin-Acar, B., Karadöller, D.Z. (2023). Neither Bilingual Experience nor Home Language Environment Relate to Cognitive Control of Bilingual Children. Poster presentation at the Many Paths to Language Conference (MPaL) 2023. Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Gong, X., Aktan-Erciyes, A., Sahin-Acar, B., Karadöller, D.Z. (2023). The Effect of Bilingual Experience and Home Language Environment on Cognitive Control of Bilingual Children. Poster presentation at the 9th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science. Istanbul, Turkey.